

  文/北京集佳知识产权代理有限公司西安分部 李慧慧


  《美国专利法》第112条第2段规定了“说明书应当推导出一个或多个权利要求,这一个或多个权利要求特别地指出并且清楚地要求申请人视其为他的发明的主题”。这段规定中包含两个要求:(1)权利要求必须阐明申请人视为其发明的主题;以及(2)权利要求必须特别地指出并且清楚地限定主题的界定范围,这个界定范围将会受到授权专利的保护。第(2)个要求与中国专利法第26条第4款规定的清楚性类似。进一步,在美国审查指南MPEP§2173.05章节分类规定了十几种常见的不清楚的类型,其中在2173.05(e)中描述了缺乏引用基础(Lack of Antecedent Basis)造成的不清楚的情形,其原文内容可分为以下两部分:

  (1)A claim is indefinite when it contains words or phrases whose meaning is unclear. The lack of clarity could arise where a claim refers to "said lever" or "the lever," where the claim contains no earlier recitation or limitation of a lever and where it would be unclear as to what element the limitation was making reference. Similarly, if two different levers are recited earlier in the claim, the recitation of "said lever" in the same or subsequent claim would be unclear where it is uncertain which of the two levers was intended. A claim which refers to "said aluminum lever," but recites only "a lever" earlier in the claim, is indefinite because it is uncertain as to the lever to which reference is made.

  (2)Obviously, however, the failure to provide explicit antecedent basis for terms does not always render a claim indefinite. If the scope of a claim would be reasonably ascertainable by those skilled in the art,then the claim is not indefinite. Ex parte Porter,25 USPQ2d 1144,1145 (Bd. Pat. App. & Inter. 1992) ("controlled stream of fluid" provided reasonable antecedent basis for "the controlled fluid"). Inherent components of elements recited have antecedent basis in the recitation of the components themselves. For example, the limitation "the outer surface of said sphere" would not require an antecedent recitation that the sphere has an outer surface. See Bose Corp. v. JBL, Inc., 274 F.3d 1354, 1359, 61 USPQ2d 1216, 1218-19 (Fed. Cir 2001) (holding that recitation of "an ellipse" provided antecedent basis for "an ellipse having a major diameter" because "[t]here can be no dispute that mathematically an inherent characteristic of an ellipse is a major diameter").

  该段的第(1)部分指出,当权利要求中包含意思不清楚的词汇或短语时权利要求会被认为不清楚。并进一步详述,当一个权利要求中提及“said lever”或“the lever”而该权利要求中没有包含“a lever”的先前记载或限定,不清楚said lever或the lever指代的是哪个限定时,就可能引起清楚性问题。同样地,如果在权利要求中已先行记载了两个不同的levers时,之后记载的“said lever”也是不清楚的,因为不清楚意欲指代的是两个levers中的哪一个。另外,一个权利要求中提及了“said aluminum lever”而该权项中先前仅记载了“a lever”的情况下,也是不清楚的,因为不确定“said aluminum lever”与“a lever”是否有明确地指代关系。

  该段的第(2)部分描述了没有明确的在先引用基础也不会使权利要求不清楚的情形。该段指出,如果本领域技术人员能合理地确定权利要求的范围则该权利要求是清楚的。例如,在一个判例中,“controlled stream of fluid”被认给为“the controlled fluid”提供了合理的引用基础。另外,对于已记载的某元素的固有部分,该固有部分的先行基础可以是该元素本身。例如,“the outer surface of said sphere”不需要先行记载“所述球具有外表面”作为引用基础;又例如,椭圆的数学本质特征是具有最大外径,因此,“an ellipse”的记载可以说已经为“an ellipse having a major diameter”提供了在先基础。


  根据以上审查指南的规定,确定了英文权利要求撰写时冠词使用的基本原则。在一个权利要求中首次提及一个元素时使用“a”或“an”(除非技术方案决定了该元素必须为复数个,此时需要用该元素的复数形,即加s),这也是基础语法的规定,因为首次出现一般是泛指,例如独立权利要求的主题用a/an引出(例外是用途权项,use一般作不可数名词,所以泛指时不用加冠词)。当再次提及该元素或者其部分时,使用the(例如,从权的主题用the引出,因为提及的是主权的主题,这也是基本语法的要求),并且要确保the引出的该元素只有一个在先基础,且单复数一致(例如,在先记载a sleeve并不能为在后的sleeves提供引用基础)。







  The lamp of claim 1, wherein said heat sink is made of the same material as said capillary and is integral therewith.

  如果想要避免the same,可尝试用identical代替,但是句子词汇数量增多,有不简洁的缺点。

  The lamp of claim 1, wherein said heat sink is made of a material identical to a material of said capillary and is integral therewith.


  The computer-implemented spam detection method of claim 3, wherein the sequence comprises a series of word lengths representing the number of characters in each word of the email message.

  虽然从语感上而言,the number of更自然也更常见,不过实践中,也有被美国审查员指出缺引用基础,而要求改为a number of 的案例。


  center视情况,如果是作为构成要素,首次出现用a center(下述例1),如果是作为上述美国审查指南第(2)部分所指的“固有部分”(下述例2),则首次出现可用the center。


  An apparatus for holding objects comprising:

  a center;

  at least one slot extending from the center;

  at least one slot on of the top and bottom of said center acting as a swivel; and

  at least two protrusions for holding each object that is placed in between said slot.


  The carbon nanotube synthesis process apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the swirl flow generation unit includes a plurality of nozzles disposed on an inner side surface of the discharge pipe for emitting gas in a direction which is deflected from the center of the discharge pipe.


  group主要出现于马库什型权利要求中,X is selected from the group consisting of A, B, C and combinations thereof. 这是美国审查指南2117(Markush Claims)节描述的例句。根据基本语法,使用the是因为group受到了后置短语consisting of的限定,是特指。




  【1】外国出願のための特許翻訳英文作成教本(Japanese-to-English translation techniques for U.S.patent filings),中山 裕木子 编著,第4章第1节.

  【2】Faber on Mechanics of Patent Claim Drafting,Chapter 3 Apparatus or Machine Claims,3:14 Antecedents; Indefiniteness.



