Wen Jiabao and Jiang Zemin Sign New Statute on Defense Related Patents

October 11, 2004
Wen Jiabao and Jiang Zemin Sign New Statute on Defense Related Patents
On September 17 China’s Premier Wen Jiabao and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China Jiang Zemin signed a newly written statute on patents for defense-related technology. The new statute has 5 articles and 36 clauses including application, examination and approval of defense patents. It was drafted in conformity with the recent demands of the national defense patents practices and the Chinese Patent Law.

In addition to the existing Statute enacted on July 30, 1990 by the State Council and the Central Military Committee, some more provisions have been added concerning issuance of patents by specially designated patent agencies to strengthen the management system, as well as to regulate dispute settlement, fees and damages etc.

The new provisions will go into force on November 1, replacing the existing Statute on Defense Patents.

